Another rave review for The Moon Is Backwards

Heartrending, Inspiring, Transcendent!

Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2024

Verified Purchase

“A vivid, sometimes brutal and ultimately beautiful portrait from a rural Brazil childhood to transcendent womanhood spanning the years of 1945-1984. Strand De Oliveira deftly pulls the reader into a story told though diary entries that will have the reader immediately rooting for an eight-year old girl coping with an abusive step-parent and a learning disability and cheering for the woman she becomes, fighting for better living and working conditions in Brazil. This is a novel of empowerment and progress to share with all the women in our lives.”

And a review of the Portuguese translation:

“A autora nos leva pra uma caminhada deliciosa do sertão nordestino, a nova capital do Brasil, ao Rio de Janeiro dos anos 60, e além-mar. Os personagens fictícios são cativantes e a história real do Brasil faz essa trama ainda mais significativa e envolvente.”

In English: “The author takes us on a delightful journey from the northeastern hinterland, the new capital of Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro in the 60s, and beyond the sea. The fictional characters are captivating and the real history of Brazil makes this plot even more meaningful and engaging.”